2012年6月28日 星期四

phrasal verb 片語動詞

1. ask sb. out
A1: My girlfriend often asks me out on weekends.
A2: It is hard to ask someone whom you don't know much out.

2. bring sth. up
A1:He brought up some ideas about how to construct this modern building.
A2:My girlfriend always warns me not to bringing political concepts up.

3. call sth. off
A1:My boss called off the Monday meeting due to business.
A2:My underclassmates called their experiments off for lacking of the money.

4. catch on sth.
A1:My boss is knowledgeable. He catches on to everythings.
A2:My older sister is so smart. She always catches on quickly.

5. catch up with sb.
A1:It is hard to catch up with my boss, because he walks so fast.
A2:I just caught up with the recent technology news yesterday. But there is are still a lots of work to do now.

